Data & Packages

This page provides the publically avaliable datasets that I have created. Feel free to use them at your disposal, but if you would please cite your sources. A citation is provided for each dataframe. Note that some of the data listed below is not created by myself soley. Rather, some are datasets to which I have contributed towards. For these, please acknowledge all parties involved in the development of these datasets. For dataframes used in replicating my previous work, please refer to my research page where I try to provide access to the replication code and data for published work.

Additionally, this page houses statistical packages I have created. None are perfect, so feel free to email me feedback as well as feel free to log an issue on the source code housed on my GitHub page.

Public Datasets

2. Global Ports

This dataframe provides a crosssection of the characteristics of port cities currently in operation. This covers 5,644 port cities globally as of 2020. This information was collected by combining information from Wikidepida, Natrual Earth and Central Intelligence Agency. The primary application of this data is for analyses that involve port level attributes.

McWay, Ryan. (2021). Global Ports. Version 1. Extracted: [Date of Extraction]

  • Keywords: Port Cities Terminals
  • Dataset
  • Codebook
  • DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17074.43208
  • Last Updated: Jan. 19th 2021

1. Cruise Ship Characteristics Information

This dataframe provides a crosssection of the characteristics of cruise ship vessels currently in operation. This covers 525 vessels as the beginning of 2020. This information was collected by combining information from Wikidepida and Vessel Finder. The primary application of this data is for cruise tourism or cruise ship activity.

McWay, Ryan. (2020). Cruise Ship Characteristics Information. Version 1. Extracted: [Date of Extraction].

  • Keywords: Cruise Ships Cruise Tourism Crew Passengers
  • Dataset
  • Codebook
  • DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13528.52488
  • Last Updated: Oct. 14th 2020

Statistical Packages
