Ryan McWay

Short Bibliography

Ryan is an economic researcher. He is a second year PhD student in the Applied Economics program at the University of Minnesota. Previously, Ryan held an appointment at the University of Michigan, through the Institute for Social Research and Population Studies Center working alongside Prof. Dean Yang. Ryan is also a graduate student member of the Minnesota Population Center, an active member of the Johnson Polasky Lab, and a member of Econ Lab Without Borders. Ryan is a student member of the American Economic Association (AEA), the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA), and the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE).

His research aims are focused on improving development outcomes in regional and global settings. Ryan’s research interests focus on applied microeconomics with specific concentrations in development economics, behavioral economics, environmental economics, and urban economics. Ryan has conducted household and over-the-phone field surveys in a variety of countries. Ryan completed his MS in International and Development Economics at the University of San Francisco (USF), and his BS in Economics and BS in International Business at Saint Louis University (SLU). Ryan is an alumni of the Development Economics @ Michigan community.

Contact Information

Email: mcway005@umn.edu

Phone: +1 612 – 625 – 1222

Personal Website: https://mcwayrm.github.io

UMN Department Website: https://apec.umn.edu/people/ryan-mcway

Mailing Address:

1994 Buford Ave, 316A Ruttan Hall,

Department of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota,

Saint Paul, MN, USA 55108 – 6040

Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests:

       Development Economics

       Behavioral Economics

       Environmental Economics

       Urban Economics


  • Administrative: G Suite, Git, LaTeX, Microsoft Office Suite, Prezi
  • Financial: Bloomberg Marketing Concepts (BMC), Thompson Reuters’ Eikon
  • Languages: Italian (Conversant), Latin (Proficient), Portuguese (Beginner), Spanish (Conversant)
  • Statistical: ArcGIS, Earth Engine, Python, R, STATA, SQL, Tableau
  • Survey Design: ODK, SurveyCTO, Qualtrics
  • Survey Implementation: Household Surveys, Phone Surveys, Digital Surveys, SMS Surveys